5 comentarios:

Mariana Manuela / terrorluzdia dijo...

hola chorizo
tenes un buen manejo de la perspectiva.

(me quede sin credito asi q te escribo aca y si lo ves avisame por mensajito o por aca.
hable con nico para ir a la fiestita y no quedamos en nada pero habiamos dicho de ir a buscarte a tu casa despues de las 12 con orli y con facu. tenes ganas??? contestame, beso)

juan m dijo...

Hello Kayla. Life can be hard, but there aint no way back, because you are going nowhere, u are justseeking love.Agree? #!relaunch2#

juan m dijo...

Ok, dont let your shyness to distract you. Use that. Change of perspective, Ur will could be your greatest weapon against Inadequate situations. Do u follow me?

juan m dijo...

Hello there! Are you already dating or you are just looking for someone? How is your love life, Im sure I have some good advices for u.

juan m dijo...

- Body languaje is important

- But she is my friend!

- Yes, Im sure she is, but do not forget that there are others things, stronger than the will. She can change her mind in a second, just like that!. Ok?